
Power BI logo
Power BI running on a phone and a tablet

Power BI Pro is a business analytics service that allows organizations to create compelling dashboards, gain 360-degree insight on organizational goals, organize dynamic reports, and make smarter, data-driven decisions.

Benefits for Organizations

  • Monitor the health of your organization: Know when your organization needs your attention with real-time Power BI dashboards. Mobile apps give access to your data from any location.
  • Ensure accuracy in presentations: Create interactive reports that connect with real-time data to keep stakeholders informed.
  • Consolidate various data sources: Connect data from Excel spreadsheets, cloud services, on-premises databases, and more.


Microsoft Cloud subscriptions obtained through TechSoup include the following support services.

  • Setup and assignment of licenses
  • Ongoing management and support to add licenses, resolve billing issues or errors, and escalate cases directly with Microsoft
  • Ongoing consultations and self-service tools to help determine the correct licenses or products for your organization
  • Resources such as webinars, invitation-only events, and how-to guides to support adoption and use
  • Flexible billing options
